Debug version of Flash Player 10 -

It was quite inconvenient to test all Flash Player 10's goodies with non debug version of player. I remember that every version of Flex SDK has installers of FP in it. So I've looked at SVN repository of and, oh my... it is here!!!
Here it is the link: Flash Player

I haven't tested versions for Windows and Linux, but Mac version didn't seem to install at the beginning and just told me that I've already had newer version installed. I took a look at installer script and there was a wrong version specified.

So here is guide how to install it on Mac OS X:
1. Download Install Flash Player 10 UB.dmg file
2. Mount it and copy Adobe Flash Player.pkg to Desktop
3. Right click on Adobe Flash Player.pkg and select Show Package Contents from contexts menu
4. Locate Info.plist and open it with any suitable editor ( TextMate for example)
5. Replace "9.0.45" on line 14 to ""
6. Replace "9" on line 16 to "10"
7. Save it, you will be prompted to overwrite it - confirm it.
8. That's all folks - double click on Adobe Flash Player.pkg and install it ( Do not forget to uninstall any previous version of Flash player before installing)

Have fun,